Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's an honor to manage people

I'm starting this blog to stimulate the idea that managing people should be considered an honor.

What would the business world be like if this were the mindset of leaders, managers and supervisors? My thoughts is that it would be a paradigm shift.

My purpose to get this going is not for people to vent but perhaps shift their perspective on leadership. There are tons of books on leadership but I doubt they use the word 'honor.'

I've heard so many stories about "my boss is a jerk" etc. etc. I have dealt with so many managers (bosses) that treated people so poorly that it should be considered illegal.

There are a lot of people in leadership positions who do not belong there and cause a lot of damage in the workplace. Turnover, stress, anger, distrust, theft, poor morale, low performers, slackers and on and on. If you are 'in charge' of people than perhaps you should be responsible for them. I have had to take a good look at myself in the mirror many times througout my life and have plenty more ways I can improve myself. The most effective I have ever been is when I was in charge of eleven people. I managed a Starbucks store in Chicago and there are a few things that I did that made a huge difference in many areas.

Again, this is not a forum to vent but perhaps for leaders, managers and supervisors to come forth and be open to shifting their perspective on leadership and how they show up at the workplace. If we are not continually changing and growing then we are probably going backwards. Leadership as an honor can certainly be a huge opportunity for the economy, people and the world.